"Challenges are what make life interesting"...and what reveal the goodness in those who help you get through. My car died last Friday, on the way to school. It was the last thing I was ready to deal with, and it was almost funny - I actually smiled about it. I called a family friend (thank God for cell phones), and he came right away. He knew just what to do to help me get my car out of the middle of the road and into a dirt patch. He drove me to school and took my car keys to the mechanic. Had I experienced a normal commute to work, I wouldn't have had the privilege of realizing again how blessed I am by amazing people in my life. My mentor teacher brought me grocery shopping and home that evening. Another teacher made sure I was taken care of on Monday, and I got my car back Monday afternoon...a week's worth of pay is what it cost me. Almost twice the cost of my plane ticket to Honduras. Not something I was ready for. But, as another one of the amazing people in my life helped me realized, there are two certainties in life: 1) Life is full of uncertainties, 2) Though we can't figure out how He will do it, all things work for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). I've been feeling like the Israelites following the cloud in the desert (Exodus 40:34-38). So much is uncertain in my present and future, but when I look back, it is all clear. He has a purpose in everything.
By the way, you might have figured out from my reference to a plane ticket... I'm going to Honduras. Next week, for five days. I will be staying with the family that was my second family while I lived there, and I will be visiting with my beloved friends and students (I don't know if I can say "former" - in my heart, they will always be my students). I am excited but a little wary. When I came back from Honduras over a year ago, I was nauseous every day for three solid months. I need prayer that God would keep me healthy and also give me wisdom about what food I should eat, because it's the food that got me so sick.
Teaching in New Haven has been full of ups and downs. As hard as it has been, I really like my job, and the support system I have is amazing. And...my students make me laugh. Here's an example: We are practicing a song about organs to present at our school's "Town Meeting". One of my students can't help but get up and dance whenever we sing it. Obviously, the class needs to work on their pronunciation, but Carlos has his moves down. Enjoy his performance :-)
"The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand. I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread." ~Psalm 37:23-25