"It used to be: I'm right and you're wrong. Now it's: I'm right and you're evil."
This quote is from a podcast series titled "Our Cultural Crisis" that actually humanizes both sides of the political spectrum while exploring how our society has become so polarized.
I have been increasingly disheartened at how very divided our country has become and how clear it is that, for many, the goal in politics is to block the other side from accomplishing their "evil" agenda. Listening to this podcast has given me a refreshing perspective that both sides have value and we actually need each other because neither side sees the whole picture. Conservatives are characterized by a desire for stability, while progressives aspire to progress. Both ambitions are valid. Both are needed. But they exist in tension with each other, and we have to learn to be in relationship with people who think differently from us.
"If you can name the core longing of your opponent, they may cease to be your enemy."