Friday, March 8, 2013

Great things going on at my school

I am proud of all my school does for our students and wanted to share a couple of links...

This is a short news video about an annual event at our school called Snowball that gets students thinking about college. There are video clips of students from my class dancing:

This is an article about our large refugee and immigrant student population. Here's a quote: 

"Kids at Fair Haven School speak Spanish, Arabic, French, Swahili, Turkish, Portuguese, Tigrinya, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Mandinka, Dari, Bengali, Russian, Khmer, Polish, Amharic, Chinese and Serbian, as of the latest count. Over half of kids at Fair Haven School are English-language learners. Those who speak Spanish can join one of nine bilingual Spanish classrooms. Those who don’t get mainstreamed with other kids, receive modified instruction inside the classroom, and are pulled out from class for small group instruction in English."

It mostly tells the story of a 6th-grade student at our school who fled an East African refugee camp:

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