My boyfriend and I went to True North church Sunday night, where they are doing a series called "The Gospel According to Pixar". This week's sermon was based on the movie "Up". Amazing movie! The pastor showed us a clip from the beginning (two parts) and the end, and it really preaches for itself.
I was writing down what I was getting out of the sermon, and towards the end of the service, it clicked: Life is not about accomplishing my plans and expectations. It's about making the most of everything that comes my way. I started to cry, because I realized that my life has been so focused on performing. I am always focused on the next task to be completed, and so often, I have missed out on the little moments and the joys that make life worthwhile.
Every day is an adventure. Every moment is for living life to the fullest. I wrote this down in my devotional book today, then turned to the next page to start this week's theme (simplicity), where I read this quote: "Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed" (Corita Kent). It amazes me how God pieces things together to bring confirmation.
He had given me another aha moment on this same theme years ago. You can read about it in another blog post (The Climb). But I am so conditioned to living life according to my to-do list rather than experiencing the joy, adventure, and fulfillment that can be found in each moment, that I keep needing the lesson reinforced.
"I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God." -Ecclesiastes 3:12-13
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