Friday, April 7, 2017

Never ending

Just when you thought you had it figured out, you realize that you don't.

I'm talking about life in general, but more specifically about babies.

Just when you figured out how to get him taking naps during the day and sleeping through the night, he gets sick. You regress. You start over. You figure it out all over again, because now his needs have changed. And then he starts cutting teeth.

Just when you thought you had all your laundry done, and there's nothing more that needs cleaning, he spits up on your bed sheets. Then he pees through his outfit onto yours.

A baby's needs are always changing. He's always going through a new stage, learning a new skill. And he's always making a mess. But you love him because he's yours.

I wonder if that's how God feels about us.

Except for the part where He thinks the cleaning is done. He knows better.

Our mess is never ending. But so is His love.

"...I love you with an everlasting love..." -Jeremiah 31:3