Sunday, August 21, 2011

When God opens a door

My life has been in transition for years, and after such a long time of waiting and hoping, everything is falling into place. This summer, I took an intensive online course, worked part-time at CVS, and applied for job after job. Every week, I applied to two or three different teaching positions, and most applications required a great deal of specific information, along with unique essays. It was draining to invest so much time in the process and to not even get a response from most schools, even when I would call or send emails. Come the end of July, I had no plausible opportunities for teaching jobs. I was beginning to wonder how much longer I was going to have to live dependent on my parents, working at CVS or subbing. Earlier in the year, I was having trouble trusting in God's goodness. Somehow, though, as the summer dwindled, my trust in God grew. I kept reminding myself of all the times He has come through for me in the past and realizing that He has never left me hanging. He always closes one door to open a better one.

Wednesday, August 3rd, I got a phone call from a school system to which I had applied a month earlier (New Haven). I had lost hope that anything would materialize there. But suddenly, here was a voice mail asking me to come in for an interview the next morning. After the interview, the bilingual program supervisor said he would recommend me to a certain principal. On Monday, that principal called me and asked if I would teach a bilingual 5th-grade class at her school. Tuesday, I met the assistant principal, got a tour of the school, and accepted the position.

This is the perfect job for me. I was looking at elementary teaching positions because I love that age group and that is what I am certified to teach. I was also looking at high school Spanish positions, though, because of my experience with and passion for the Spanish language and Hispanic things and because I am seeking certification in that area. This job in New Haven is the only one I found that combines all of my talents, experiences, and passions into one position. I'm going to have a class of about 24 latino 5th graders (my favorite grade), and we are going to use Spanish 75% of the time, gradually increasing the amount of English as the year progresses. It is going to be challenging, but I will be well-supported by a wonderful staff, and I can't fail when God is behind it.

I met a principal recently who told me that getting an elementary teaching position these days is like winning the lottery. I could (but won't) go into many more details about how everything has fallen into place against all odds, including finding just the right apartment in Branford - I move in tomorrow. I am so thankful that this time, I am not getting on a plane, and I am not saying goodbye. I am simply gaining independence, but I will be close enough to continue my relationships with family and friends face-to-face. I have a busy, busy couple of weeks ahead of me, settling into my apartment, setting up my classroom, and starting the school year, but I am trusting for a smooth transition.

"This is what the LORD says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: 'I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.' " ~Isaiah 48:17

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