Thursday, August 15, 2013

Stop waiting for life to be perfect

I recently read a blog post that ties in perfectly with the one I wrote last week. And even though I had already come to a similar realization myself, I was convicted again, and saw the whole thing from a new perspective.

Here are some golden nuggets...

"What we have is time. And what we do is waste it, waiting for those big spectacular moments."

"But this is it: this is as spectacular as it gets, and you have a choice, to be there or not."

"There are no throwaway moments — not when it’s easy, not when it’s hard, not when it’s boring, not when you’re waiting for something to happen.Throw those moments away and you will look back someday, bereft at what you missed, because it’s the good stuff, the best stuff. It’s all there is."

Here's the blog:

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